For Anyone Who Loves Singing

How To Sing

  • Improve your breath control
  • Extend your vocal range and sing smoothly from the bottom to the top
  • Improve your clarity, flexibility and resonance
  • Learn how to read music


About Belinda 

Hi There.  My name is Belinda Gillam.  I’ve been a singer, teacher and choral conductor for over 20 years.  I love singing and I have a passion for assisting others who love singing to work towards their goals.

I developed a love of singing at a very young age, as some of my earliest memories are of being sung to sleep by my parents.  I had lessons on mandolin, piano, violin, viola, trombone and percussion and participated in choirs, orchestras and bands in my student days.  I also dabbled in composing, arranging, music publishing, proof reading and arts administration before finally settling on singing, teaching and choral conducting as the main foci of my music practice.



Education & Qualifications
Bachelor of Arts (Majoring in Music)
Diploma of Education
Diploma of Community Development
Mentorship with Jean Heriot OAM (funded by Australia Council for the Arts)
Mentorship with Robert Rosen (funded by Australia Council for the Arts)
Australian Choral Conductor Education & Training Summer Schools
Community Music Victoria Singing for Inclusion Training
Working with Children Check
Police Check
Institute for Vocal Advancement Certified Instructor 

Musical Director Positions
Yarra Valley Singers
Yarra Ranges Children’s Choir
Aboriginal Children’s Choir
Victorian Secondary Student Honour Choir 2005
Knox Commonwealth Choir 2006
Various roles with school and church groups

Teaching Positions
Mount Evelyn Christian School
Mount Evelyn Primary School
Coonara Community School
Bryngala College

Australasian International Choral Conducting Competition – Semi finalist
Chorister and soloist with Melbourne Chamber Choir and Melbourne Women’s Choir
Choral scholar at St Michael’s Uniting Church, Melbourne
Member of professional ensemble Chorelation
Contract performer – solo and small ensembles
Yarra Ranges Council Cultural Development Officer
Knox City Council Arts Project Officer
Knox City Council Community Development Officer
And also… Channel 9 ‘Hey Hey It’s Saturday Red Faces’ winner!